New Project Development

Creation of exclusive custom items

The ATS team is ready to support customers through every stage of developing and manufacturing exclusive, customised products, on the basis of their individual needs.

Analysis of customer's requirements

It all begins with an analysis of the customer’s needs, by sitting down with them in person and listening carefully to their requests.

Cad design process

This is followed by computer-aided design, carried out by our experts in accordance with the outline formed in conversation with the customer.

3D rendering of the product

The design moves to 3D rendering, which lays the foundations for the manufacture of the product and defines its size and shape.

Prototyping and mockup

Prototyping and development of the mockup gives a realistic idea of the end product. This phase allows changes to be made prior to the manufacture of the product.

Creation of the pilot mould

The next stage is the creation of a pilot mould, in other words a mould for limited rather than line production, to ensure the end result is perfect and to check its technical specifications.

Production of the approved item

Once every aspect has been tested, the final stage is the line production of the item.

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